11 October, 2024
The bound form of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR), Volume 3 Issue 2, was uploaded.
August 26, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your support of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). This is to inform you that the 12 articles appearing in Volume 3 Issue 2, indicated below, have been made public on J-STAGE.
A paper conveys a story based on a consistent storyline
Naohiro Hohashi
Appropriate needle penetration depth for intramuscular injections depends on the injection site, recipient arm position, and injection technique: A randomized crossover study
Kosuke Maeda
Sense of coherence in the life experiences of persons with schizophrenia living in the community
Aya Kuramoto, Kumi Watanabe
Development of a support program to improve clinical reasoning of nurses with 2-3 years of work experience
Junko Okada, Kyoko Shida
Japanese translation of the shortened information technology attitude scale for health: Evaluation of the reliability and validity of the translated version
Yuma Ota, Ayako Nishimura, Yoko Adachi, Yasuyo Kasahara, Miki Yokoyama
Utility of the admission/discharge patient flow management system at the acute care hospital
Shima Sakai, Mari Ikeda, Yoshiko Kondo, Atsuko Fujii, Michio Itabashi
Quantitative indices for assessing mobility in patients during the acute postoperative period following total hip and knee arthroplasties
Fumitake Yamaguchi, Chiho Nakashima, Takumi Kiyonaga, Chiho Kawasaki, Tsubasa Kawaguchi, Shigeaki Miyazaki, Amy Hombu, Yoshinori Fujii, Kurumi Tsuruta, Etsuo Chosa, Hirotake Sawada
Relationship among death conferences, willingness and confidence in end-of-life care, and practice of grief care in Japanese home-visit nursing stations
Ayumi Sugimura, Naoko Nakashima, Rika Hayashi, Shoko Ando
The relationship between sense of coherence and cross-cultural adjustment among Chinese nurses in Japan
Tsubasa Mori, Xiaodong Cardenas
Relationship between oil massage of infants and maternal stress using physical and online modes
Yoko Takahata, Mio Hirai
Identification of factors associated with the severity of oral mucositis in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy
Chizuko Yoshikawa, Yasushi Takamatsu
Older Chinese people's experiences of relocation to long-term care facilities: A literature review of qualitative studies
Li Yao, Harue Masaki
Editor in Chief, JINR
Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
August 6, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your support of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). This is to inform you that the 12 articles of Volume 3 Issue 2 indicated below have been made public in advance of their online publication. Please note that in lieu of page numbers, JINR has adopted an Elocation ID (Electronic Location Identifier) system.
A paper conveys a story based on a consistent storyline
Naohiro Hohashi
Appropriate needle penetration depth for intramuscular injections depends on the injection site, recipient arm position, and injection technique: A randomized crossover study
Kosuke Maeda
Sense of coherence in the life experiences of persons with schizophrenia living in the community
Aya Kuramoto, Kumi Watanabe
Development of a support program to improve clinical reasoning of nurses with 2-3 years of work experience
Junko Okada, Kyoko Shida
Japanese translation of the shortened information technology attitude scale for health: Evaluation of the reliability and validity of the translated version
Yuma Ota, Ayako Nishimura, Yoko Adachi, Yasuyo Kasahara, Miki Yokoyama
Utility of the admission/discharge patient flow management system at the acute care hospital
Shima Sakai, Mari Ikeda, Yoshiko Kondo, Atsuko Fujii, Michio Itabashi
Quantitative indices for assessing mobility in patients during the acute postoperative period following total hip and knee arthroplasties
Fumitake Yamaguchi, Chiho Nakashima, Takumi Kiyonaga, Chiho Kawasaki, Tsubasa Kawaguchi, Shigeaki Miyazaki, Amy Hombu, Yoshinori Fujii, Kurumi Tsuruta, Etsuo Chosa, Hirotake Sawada
Relationship among death conferences, willingness and confidence in end-of-life care, and practice of grief care in Japanese home-visit nursing stations
Ayumi Sugimura, Naoko Nakashima, Rika Hayashi, Shoko Ando
The relationship between sense of coherence and cross-cultural adjustment among Chinese nurses in Japan
Tsubasa Mori, Xiaodong Cardenas
Relationship between oil massage of infants and maternal stress using physical and online modes
Yoko Takahata, Mio Hirai
Identification of factors associated with the severity of oral mucositis in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy
Chizuko Yoshikawa, Yasushi Takamatsu
Older Chinese people's experiences of relocation to long-term care facilities: A literature review of qualitative studies
Li Yao, Harue Masaki
Editor in Chief, JINR
Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
2 August, 2024
Outstanding Reviewer Awards for 2024 were made public.
2 August, 2024
The bound form of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR), Volume 3 Issue 1, was uploaded.
February 26, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your support of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). This is to inform you that the 8 articles appearing in Volume 3 Issue 1, indicated below, have been made public on J-STAGE.
A pledge to acknowledge the "post-p <.05" era
Naohiro Hohashi
Assessment of insulin balls: A scoping review
Sayuri Nakamura, Naoko Kageura, Makoto Oe, Yuko Matsui, Tomomi Horiguchi, Terumi Ueda, Natsuko Seto, Toshihiko Yanagita, Junko Sugama
Health-related quality of life of patients with heart failure using noninvasive telemonitoring systems with and without visiting nursing support: A longitudinal observational study
Motohiro Sano, Sho Okada, Tomoko Majima, Yoshio Kobayashi
Developing a communication skills scale in the initial oncology nursing consultation after a cancer diagnosis in Japan
Takako Mitsuyuki, Shyoko Ando, Ayumi Sugimura, Shigeyoshi Maki, Kazuki Sato
Risk of developing postpartum type 2 diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes who did not undergo postpartum glucose tolerance testing
Kanako Yamada, Kazutomo Ohashi
Current state of advance care planning for patients with hematologic malignancies in Japan: A nationwide survey
Miki Fujimoto, Yoshiyasu Ito, Yukihiro Sakaguchi
Learning outcomes from preventive home visits practicum in an undergraduate nursing program: A qualitative study
Aya Shinohara, Ayako Ogata, Takayuki Kageyama, Joan K. Magilvy, Sachiyo Murashima
The relationship between sense of coherence, occupational stress, organizational climate, identity, and mental health of newly graduated nurses in a specified functional hospital (secondary publication)
Satoshi Ikeda
Editor in Chief, JINR
Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
25 December, 2023
The Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR) is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Associate Editors, whose names appear below. We will make every effort to ensure prompt peer review.
Rick Yiu Cho Kwan, RN, BN, MSc, PhD
School of Nursing, Tung Wah College, Hong Kong SAR
Elsi Dwi Hapsari, SKp, MS, DS
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
25 October, 2023
The bound form of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR), Volume 2 Issue 2, was uploaded.
August 25, 2023
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your support of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). This is to inform you that the 18 articles appearing in Volume 2 Issue 2, indicated below, have been made public on J-STAGE. Thanks to a large number of submissions, we have made the decision to publish two issues per year (February and August) so as to expedite the publication process.
Improving the international presence of nursing research in Japan and expectations for the development of Journal of International Nursing Research
Midori Asano
If you decline to conduct peer reviews, then don't submit your paper
Naohiro Hohashi
Treatment engagement: A concept analysis
Azusa Kudo, Naoko Deguchi, Tomoko Omiya, Tomoko Sankai
Nursing care for people with concurrent heart failure and diabetes: A scoping review
Yusuke Yamazaki, Sumie Kuroda, Misaki Sawaoka
Typology of hunger sensation perception in patients with type 2 diabetes
Mizuyo Nagamune, Mayumi Okuwa, Michiko Inagaki, Keiko Tasaki, Tomomi Horiguchi, Yuya Asada, Mai Kitagawa
Development of the prenatal positive experience scale for men in Japan: A cross-sectional scale development study
Yasuka Nakamura, Tomoka Oshikiri, Yoko Takeishi, Moeka Aoki, Nami Yashima, Maiko Kawajiri, Mikako Yoshida, Toyoko Yoshizawa
Development of a weight loss intervention by mothers for adults with severe intellectual disabilities and autism
Mitsuyo Nonaka, Satoko Yanagisawa
Cognitive behavioural therapy for mood and anxiety disorders delivered by mental health nurses: Outcomes and predictors of response in a real-world outpatient care setting
Hiroki Tanoue, Yuta Hayashi, Yuki Shikuri, Naoki Yoshinaga
Learning needs of family caregivers in the Japanese working generation who care for community-dwelling people with dementia: A qualitative research study
Sayori Sakanashi, Kimie Fujita, Midori Nishio, Shinji Ouma, Kumiko Ogata
Nurse managers' support during organizational change and nurses' organizational commitment: A cross-sectional study using nurses' career stage
Chika Funakoshi, Keiko Kunie, Yukie Takemura, Kimie Takehara, Naoko Ichikawa
Development of a medication-adherence assessment tool to assess and support medication self-management by older adults
Kanako Sakane, Yuko Tsumoto, Yuta Kobayashi, Miki Fukuma, Mayumi Miyamoto, Hiromi Uchida
Association between family functioning, resilience, and psychosocial burden among family members of patients in the intensive care unit: A cross-sectional study
Miyuki H Komachi, Kiyoko Kamibeppu
A comparison of the fine particulate protection rate of face masks reused after washing
Kanna Okayama, Mitsue Arakawa
Feasibility of two guidebooks for parents with mental illness and their children: Healthcare professionals' perspectives
Rie Ueno, Tytti Solantaus, Hirokazu Osada
Current status of the JINR: From the editor-in-chief
Naohiro Hohashi
Boosting the chances of getting your paper accepted in the Journal of International Nursing Research: Understanding common reasons for paper rejection in international nursing journals
Naoki Yoshinaga
Tips for papers' acceptance from a peer review perspective
Takiko Imai
Some tips for writing a paper in English
Kiyoko Fukai
21 June, 2023
The bound form of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR), Volume 2 Issue 1, was uploaded.
June 13, 2023
The editors of the Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR) wish to express gratitude to the individuals named below for their efforts in reviewing manuscripts on behalf of JINR. Their invaluable contributions in the form of thorough reviews and constructive comments toward improvement of numerous manuscripts are greatly appreciated. Along with our sincere thanks for their participation in peer reviews, we at JINR look forward to working with them in the future.
Angerhofer, Shizuko
School of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University
Hayashi, Yuta
Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
Okuyama, Mayumi
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sanyo Gakuen University
Tsutsumi, Masae
Faculty of Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University
June 9, 2023
From the 2024 fiscal year, authors whose papers are published in JINR will be eligible for academic and incentive awards. The details will be posted around June 2024. We at JINR look forward, as always, to your submissions.
April 7, 2023
To whom it may concern:
Thank you for your support of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). This is to inform you that the eight articles of Volume 2 Issue 2 indicated below have been made public in advance of their online publication. Please note that in lieu of page numbers, JINR has adopted an Elocation ID (Electronic Location Identifier) system.
Current status of the JINR: From the editor-in-chief
Naohiro Hohashi
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2023-0011
A comparison of the fine particulate protection rate of face masks reused after washing
Kanna Okayama, Mitsue Arakawa
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2022-0036
Cognitive behavioural therapy for mood and anxiety disorders delivered by mental health nurses: Outcomes and predictors of response in a real-world outpatient care setting
Hiroki Tanoue, Yuta Hayashi, Yuki Shikuri, Naoki Yoshinaga
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2022-0023
Feasibility of two guidebooks for parents with mental illness and their children: Healthcare professionals' perspectives
Rie Ueno, Tytti Solantaus, Hirokazu Osada
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2022-0017
Treatment engagement: A concept analysis
Azusa Kudo, Naoko Deguchi, Tomoko Omiya, Tomoko Sankai
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2022-0012
Development of the prenatal positive experience scale for men in Japan: A cross-sectional scale development study
Yasuka Nakamura, Tomoka Oshikiri, Yoko Takeishi, Moeka Aoki, Nami Yashima, Maiko Kawajiri, Mikako Yoshida, Toyoko Yoshizawa
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2022-0011
Development of a weight loss intervention by mothers for adults with severe intellectual disabilities and autism
Mitsuyo Nonaka, Satoko Yanagisawa
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2022-0003
Learning needs of family caregivers in the Japanese working generation who care for community-dwelling people with dementia: A qualitative research study
Sayori Sakanashi, Kimie Fujita, Midori Nishio, Shinji Ouma, Kumiko Ogata
Journal of International Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-0022
In closing, I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my encouragement to researchers to submit original papers for future publication in JINR, while at the same time thanking our friends and colleagues for their support.
Editor in Chief, JINR
Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
February 24, 2023
To whom it may concern:
Thank you for your support of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). The article appearing in Volume 2 Issue 1, indicated below, has been made public. Please note that in lieu of page numbers, JINR has adopted an Elocation ID (Electronic Location Identifier) system.
Journal of International Nursing Research forges ahead!
Naohiro Hohashi
Journal of International Nursing Research, 2(1), e2023-0001. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2023-0001
At this moment, I'd like to take the opportunity to extend my encouragement to researchers to submit original papers for future publication in JINR, while at the same time thanking our friends and colleagues for their support up to now.
Editor in Chief, JINR
Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
3 February, 2023
The bound form of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR), Volume 1 Issue 1, was uploaded.
26 January, 2023
To whom it may concern:
Thank you for your support of Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). The 11 articles of Volume 2 Issue 1 indicated below have been made public in advance of their online publication. Please note that in lieu of page numbers, JINR has adopted an Elocation ID (Electronic Location Identifier) system.
Physiological and psychological effectiveness of facial massage in women: A randomized crossover trial
Yuriko Ohkawa, Hiroki Tanoue, Kiyoko Fukai
Development of a reliable and valid cancer-related communication scale for use between breast cancer survivors and their adolescent children
Rei Oshiro, Masahiko Tanabe, Keiichiro Tada, Junko Takei, Hideko Yamauchi, Kiyoko Kamibeppu
Collaborative visits by hospital specialist nurses with homecare nurses: A nationwide, cross-sectional, web-based survey
Aruha Masuda, Mariko Sakka, Satomi Kitamura, Ayumi Igarashi, Maiko Noguchi-Watanabe, Akiko Araki, Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani
Proficiency evaluation of simulation education on the entire tracheal suctioning process using a motion capture system and a catheter control sensing device
Noriyo Colley, Shunsuke Komizunai, Satoshi Kanai, Atsushi Konno, Sozo Inoue, Misuzu Nakamura, Shinji Ninomiya
Use of comprehensive home care assessment tools for community-dwelling older adults to improve adherence, quality of life, and health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Tomoko Kamei, Sachie Eto, Aki Kawada, Yoko Takahata, Akiko Sasaki, Yoko Uchida, Yukiko Fukuta, Sugako Kurimori, Kosuke Kimura, Setsu Shimanouchi
Effects of footbaths on prefrontal cortex activity and autonomic nervous function: A randomized controlled crossover trial
Kosuke Maeda, Takako Ohba, Tomofumi Kato, Akihiro Shuda
Effectiveness of a cervical cancer prevention program to improve health literacy among Japanese undergraduate females in their 20s: A quasi-experimental study
Shiho Kawata, Emiko Saito
Possibilities and challenges of dialogic approach training for child guidance center staff
Akiko Kadoma, Mami Yamamoto, Midori Asano, Koji Shiraki, Rikuya Hosokawa, Hirofumi Sato, Hitomi Nakahata, Mari Kato
Factors interfering with behavioral change in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: An ethnographic study
Takahiro Kawabata, Michiko Moriyama, Mayumi Niitani, Basilua Andre Muzembo
End-of-life care in intensive care units: A concept analysis
Yuri Sakaki, Misuzu Nakamura
Mental health status of public health nurses and its related factors under the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Japan
Karen Tsuruda, Yoko Hatono
In closing, I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my encouragement to researchers to submit original papers for future publication in JINR, while at the same time thanking our friends and colleagues for their support.
Editor in Chief, JINR
Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
24 October, 2022
During the current fiscal year, JINR will initiate Outstanding Reviewer Awards. The Rules for Outstanding Reviewer Awards have been uploaded.
18 October, 2022
7th flyer of call for papers was uploaded.
25 April, 2022
6th flyer of call for papers in English was uploaded.
19 April, 2022
6th flyer of call for papers was uploaded.
24 February, 2022
To whom it may concern:
We appreciate your patience during our preparations to launch the Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). Today, the first eight articles of Volume 1 Issue 1 were made public on J-STAGE. They can be accessed at the URL shown below:
Moreover, to search text in JINR papers that do not carry page numbers as per the printed page numbers utilized in the past, an Elocation ID (Electronic Location Identifier) system has been adopted.
Announcing the launch of Journal of International Nursing Research
Naohiro Hohashi
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-1001.
Celebrating the launch of Journal of International Nursing Research
Chia-Chin Lin
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-1002.
Preface to the first issue of Journal of International Nursing
Kiyoko Fukai
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-1003.
Nursing students’ understanding of children with disabilities in Japanese nursing education: A literature review
Akemi Nasu, and Yoshimi Tsunekuni
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0002.
Components of hospital-to-home care interventions for patients with heart failure in Japan: An integrative review
Mai Yoshimura, and Naomi Sumi
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0001.
Development of family empowerment programs for caregivers of children with disabilities at home: Interim report up to “implementation of pretesting”
Rie Wakimizu, Hiroshi Fujioka, Kaori Nishigaki, Iori Sato, Naoko Iwata, and Akemi Matsuzawa
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0004.
Dehydration of nurses working in the day shift and its factors: A multicenter cross-sectional observational study
Ryutaro Kase, Yuji L. Tanaka, Ayumi Amemiya, Hisayoshi Sugawara, Masayoshi Saito, Akari Oouchi, Erina Matsushima, Hiroko Yorozu, and Masatoshi Komiyama
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0007.
Effectiveness of using near-infrared vein visualizers by nurses in promoting successful peripheral venous catheterization in patients receiving chemotherapy
Naoki Kuramoto, and Yoriko Watanabe
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0014.
In closing, I'd like to extend my encouragement to researchers to submit their original papers for publication in JINR, while thanking our friends and colleagues for their support.
Editor in Chief, JINR
Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
9 February, 2022
To whom it may concern:
We appreciate your patience during our preparations to launch of the Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). We are pleased to inform you that the first eight articles of Volume 1 Issue 1 (below) are now available on the JINR website (https://www.jinr.jsnr.or.jp/).
The articles assigned DOI will be made public on the J-STAGE for JINR, on or about February 25, 2022. Due to the specifications for J-STAGE, we apologize that the first issue will only be published after all the articles are collected. In the future, however, articles will be published on J-STAGE as soon as they are completed.
Announcing the launch of Journal of International Nursing Research
Naohiro Hohashi
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-1001. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-1001
First Published: February 8, 2022
Celebrating the launch of Journal of International Nursing Research
Chia-Chin Lin
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-1002. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-1002
First Published: February 8, 2022
Preface to the first issue of Journal of International Nursing
Kiyoko Fukai
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-1003. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-1003
First Published: February 8, 2022
Nursing students’ understanding of children with disabilities in Japanese nursing education: A literature review
Akemi Nasu, and Yoshimi Tsunekuni
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0002. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-0002
First Published: February 8, 2022
Components of hospital-to-home care interventions for patients with heart failure in Japan: An integrative review
Mai Yoshimura, and Naomi Sumi
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0001. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-0001
First Published: February 8, 2022
Development of family empowerment programs for caregivers of children with disabilities at home: Interim report up to “implementation of pretesting”
Rie Wakimizu, Hiroshi Fujioka, Kaori Nishigaki, Iori Sato, Naoko Iwata, and Akemi Matsuzawa
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0004. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-0004
First Published: February 8, 2022
Dehydration of nurses working in the day shift and its factors: A multicenter cross-sectional observational study
Ryutaro Kase, Yuji L. Tanaka, Ayumi Amemiya, Hisayoshi Sugawara, Masayoshi Saito, Akari Oouchi, Erina Matsushima, Hiroko Yorozu, and Masatoshi Komiyama
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0007. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-0007
First Published: February 8, 2022
Effectiveness of using near-infrared vein visualizers by nurses in promoting successful peripheral venous catheterization in patients receiving chemotherapy
Naoki Kuramoto, and Yoriko Watanabe
Journal of International Nursing Research, 1(1), e2021-0014. https://doi.org/10.53044/jinr.2021-0014
First Published: February 8, 2022
Note: DOI will be available on or about February 25, 2022.
In closing, I'd like to extend my encouragement to researchers to submit their original papers for publication in JINR, while thanking our friends and colleagues for their support.
Editor in Chief, JINR Naohiro Hohashi, PhD, RN, PHN, LSN, HS, FAAN
12 January, 2022
5th flyer of call for papers was uploaded.
22 December, 2021
Celebrating the launch of Journal of International Nursing Research

Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Professor in Nursing
Head, School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
It’s my honor to be invited by Professor Naohiro Hohashi to serve as the Deputy Editor for the Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR). JINR is a brand new page transformed from the Journal of Japan Society of Nursing Research (JJSNR) which has a long lasting history in publishing nursing journals in Japanese. It’s indeed my great honor to be a part of JINR, and have a share of it at this historic moment.
Changes are never easy. Taking a lead to make a change is even harder. I appreciate the courage from the Japan Society of Nursing Research to make a change, and am willing to witness such a change not just from an observer’s perspective, but from a participant’s point of view.
While such a change is just a beginning of the journey, I appeal to all you to join our journey, no matter which nursing specialty you are in. Setting as a new platform to us, JINR welcomes a wide range of submissions, including original research, practice guidelines, technical report, brief report or letter to the Editor.
With the concerted effort from the Editorial Committee, I hope together we could create a greater and higher impact in the region and towards the globe.
1 July, 2021
4th flyer of call for papers was uploaded.
23 May, 2021
3rd flyer of call for papers was uploaded.
30 April, 2021
2nd flyer of call for papers was uploaded.
6 April, 2021
Preface to the First Issue of Journal of International Nursing Research

President of Japan Society of Nursing Research
Graduate School of Nursing, The Jikei University, Japan
The Japan Society of Nursing Research (JSNR) was founded in 1970 with its predecessors, the Four National University Research Councils. In 1981, the name was changed to its current academic society name (JSNR), and it was established as Japan’s first comprehensive academic organization for nursing science. This society aims to organize people who are widely involved in nursing science, to conduct nursing-related educational and research activities, to contribute to the progress and development of nursing science, and to contribute to the society. Our specialty, Research in Nursing, deals with various phenomena related to “human beings, health, environment, and nursing (care).” In particular, the purpose of Research in Nursing is to explore and propose hints and clues (theories) for people to live healthier and more prosperous. In other words, nursing science is a human and practical science that is close to people, which cannot be achieved without actually living people.
The most important project of this society, “Journal of Japan Society of Nursing Research (JJSNR),” was first published in 1978 as a journal written in Japanese centered on original papers, and a total of 44 volumes have already been published to date. JJSNR has published many valuable academic papers and has made a great contribution to the development of nursing science in Japan. The only challenge was that the valuable evidence could only be read in Japanese.
Therefore, in December 2021, the international journal, which was longed for by not only members of our society but also nurse scientists all over Japan, will finally be established. Nursing is a science that contributes to practice (applied science); therefore, papers written in Japanese are useful for busy practitioners. However, if details of high-quality nursing research that contributes to practice can only be read in Japanese, it cannot be utilized as a new finding shared by the entire world of the nursing academia because there are no borders in philosophy. Thus, the Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR) is established as a new step in the history of JSNR.
Lastly, we would like to express our deep gratitude to Dr. Naohiro Hohashi, Editor-in-Chief, for his great efforts in issuing JINR. This journal would not have been established without the efforts of Dr. Hohashi. We would also like to thank the staff of Kyorinsha for their devoted cooperation. We are looking forward to the first issue of JINR, which will be published in December 2021. We do welcome postings from nurses (practitioners, educators, or researchers) not only in Japan but all from other countries worldwide, as well as scientists engaged in nursing research. We hope that the papers published in JINR will be actively utilized by many scientists and practitioners worldwide.
6 April, 2021
Announcing the Launch of Journal of International Nursing Research

Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University, Japan
For all of us in the nursing professions, we are on the verge of a new beginning. In 2021, the Japan Society of Nursing Research (JSNR), a nursing study group with a long and distinguished history, will launch Journal of International Nursing Research (JINR) as an international English-language publication.
As the founding editor-in-chief of JINR, it is my great honor to be associated with this important undertaking. In connection with the inaugural edition of JINR, I would like to express my thanks to the support of the directors and auditors of JSNR, as well as to all of you who contributed your time. In particular, I am indebted to JSNR President Kiyoko Fukai for her understanding that brought about the creation of this journal. In addition, I greatly look forward to collaborating with the JINR Editorial Committee and international reviewers.
Since 1978, JSNR has been publishing its Japanese-language periodical, the Journal of Japan Society of Nursing Research (JJSNR). The JJSNR can be considered representative of academic journals in Japan, with a long history and splendid traditions. From 2014 to 2018, and from 2020 to the present, I served as an editor-in-chief. In the past JJSNR has published a number of English-language papers, and in 2015 was declared a multilingual publication in Japanese or English. From that point in time, guidelines were put in motion for the future publication of an English-language journal. From past and present perspectives, publication of academic papers on nursing in English has become the common practice, and this has also figured in our decision to launch JINR. Concurrent to this, JJSNR will no longer be soliciting English-language papers for publication.
As an international English-language journal, JINR will function as an open-access journal, with the papers that have been accepted promptly made public. Its scope will cover wide fields of nursing research, operating as a comprehensive journal not limited to any particular fields of specialization. Some years in the future we are hoping to register with PMC (PubMed Central), with the content of our papers also appearing in PubMed.
JINR is open to submissions from around the world. It welcomes original contributions on nursing studies in a variety of formats such as Review Article, Original Research, Practice Guidelines, Technical Report and Brief Report. Instructions for contributors can be viewed on the JINR web site (https://www.jinr.jsnr.or.jp/).
JINR sees its role as contributing to the increasing development of nursing studies on a worldwide scale. In this regard, we are determined that our enthusiasm toward nursing studies will continue to burn brightly.
We extend the warmest of welcomes to aspiring contributors, as well as to our colleagues and associates around the world, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
30 March, 2021
Flyer of call for papers was uploaded.
29 March, 2021
Official website of Journal of International Nursing Research was launched.